An Online Photo Booth
for Back to School
All the features you need to create an virtual photo booth for Back to School.
Go Back to School with a Virtual Photo Booth
Virtual Booth is a perfect addition to your Back to School event. First off, it's much more affoardable than a traditional photo booth. Physical Photo Booths cost hundreds of dollars. You can run your own Virtual Photo Booth for as little as $9.99. Plus we're not done with the pandemic yet, so you still want to avoid lines, crowds and touching screens. Virtual Booth lets parents, students and staff all share in the photo booth experience using their own devices in a safe socially distanced way. Simply share the link to your booth via email, or display a QR code that anyone can scan. Photos can be printed, downloaded, emailed, shared on Social Media, or displayed in an online gallery. Here's a few more reasons to use Virtual Booth for your Back to School event.
1. Make it easy for your class to say Hello

Use Virtual Booth to introduce students to each other. Photos and be displayed in an online gallery where each student can virtually meet their fellow classmates.
2. Introduce your Parent Teacher Organization

Have your PTO/PTA sponsor the virtual photo booth as part of their introduction. Share the booth with parents and share your goals for volunteer opportunities and fundraising.
3. Bring virtual and in-person students together

Not everyone will be going back to school in person. A virtual photo booth can bring online students together with their in person classmates.
4. Remember the first day of school

Share your first day of school with friends and family.
"Our Virtual Photo Booth was a big part of our Back to School event. Our PTA sponsored the event and sent it out to all of the parents with a link to our volunteer site. It was a perfect introduction to our organization" - Patricia F