An Online Photo Booth
for Virtual Halloween

All the features you need to create an virtual photo booth for Halloween.

3 Ways to Celebrate Halloween in 2021 with an Online Virtual Photo Booth's online photo booth is a perfect addition to your Halloween celebration. Here's 3 ways you can use a virtual photo booth for a safe and fun holiday.

1. Have a Virtual Costume Party


Host a Halloween-themed costume party for friends and family and send everyone the link to your Virtual Photo Booth. Photos will be automatically added to your event's online gallery so everyone can vote on their favorites. Be sure to add spooky backgrounds and stickers so everyone can customize their photos. You can vote on funniest, punniest, scariest, most creative and group costumes.

2. Virtual Pumpkin Carving


You've spent all that time carving the perfect jack-o-lantern. Why not share it with everyone? Tell all of your friends & family to snap a photo of their creation and check out the competition in the online gallery.

3. Virtual Trick or Treat


The hardest part of this Quarantine-O-Ween is not being able to visit Grandparents. You can use Virtual Booth to capture photos of your costumes and immediately share them with your loved ones.

"Our Virtual Photo Booth was a huge hit at our virtual costume party. Everyone had a blast taking selfies and seeing everyone else's costumes in the online gallery. We can't wait for the next holiday party." - Deanna A
